reflections on a whole year | mashallah for real

reflections on a whole year | mashallah for real

What a journey it's been since our launch last year!

Our mission to create a lifestyle brand that embraces the modern, multicultural experience (essentially, everything that make us, US) has taken us on a thrilling adventure. 

It has been a whirlwind of growth and learning, and we're so thankful for your support and enthusiasm. Welcome to 2024, where we've crafted new designs with a whimsical touch, drawing inspiration from playful, exciting experiences we've had this year relocating, wandering, getting settled, and doing it all over again.

We heard you loud and clear: Our new collection focuses on the totes-adorbs babies and kids who bring so much joy into our lives. We’ve designed images with bright colors and wonderland-like inspiration that are just so cute. The collection is a reflection of our commitment to speaking to your values and uniqueness, while also injecting a sense of joy and playfulness into your lives.

As we look to the future, we're excited about the possibility of growth, innovation, and further connection with you. Here's to another year of abundance, whimsy, and celebration. 

the MSHLLA F-R team

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